3 Tools that Rad Techs Need but Rarely Have

There are a few helpful automation tools specific to the technologist that sometimes get overlooked. 

These are just three of the tools that doctors and radiology technologists have asked us to include in our Q/ris Tech Workflow.

1.  Digital eForms and Auto Scan to PACS

Instead of needing to be handed a printout or a copy of the patient’s information, why not access that information directly from the Technologist’s own module?  Instead of having to walk those important documents over to the Radiologist, simply select the documents you want to include with the exam images, and they will be automatically transferred to the PACS as part of the DICOM series.

2.  Technologist Exam Notes

Now that many members of radiology teams are working remotely, you can foster better communication between your Techs and Radiologists by allowing your Techs to push exam notes and commentary directly to the radiologist worklists.  There is no need to send an email, hand-deliver notes, or open a separate chat program.

3.  Integrated Charge and Supply Capture + Easy Procedure Additions

Billing is plenty complicated without accidentally missing charges and supply additions.  As part of the Tech WorkFlow’s full charge capture system it also features a robust, interactive supply capture system.  In addition to being able to record the standard supplies, the tech can also add new procedure information in real-time with their accompanying CPT codes.   


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If you have questions about this module, you can schedule a demo for yourself, or you can send us a message.  If you want to read more about the Q/ris Tech Workflow, click here.

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Q/ris 3000,radiology workflow,automation,streamline,efficiency,save time,improve patient care,structured reporting,DICOM SR,CDS,peer learning,CTR management,automatic workload assignment,imaging workflow,virtual check-in,patient registration,exam ordering,scheduling,automated tech workflow,dose,supply,auto-captureQ/ris 3000,radiology workflow,automation,streamline,efficiency,save time,improve patient care,structured reporting,DICOM SR,CDS,peer learning,CTR management,automatic workload assignment,imaging workflow,virtual check-in,patient registration,exam ordering,scheduling,automated tech workflow,dose,supply,auto-capture