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The short answer is yes, it has, but not by itself.

With the introduction of machine learning and artificial intelligence into the healthcare imaging industry, our ability to automate manual imaging tasks has increased drastically.  We’ve already seen rapid advancement in our diagnostic capabilities.

Though AI has taken the spotlight, it certainly hasn’t gotten us this far by itself.  Dhruv Chopra, Chief Executive Officer of Collaborative Imaging explains in an article for, that a few other tools have aided in our achieving this level of automation.

It is important to know that successful hyperautomation requires the implementation of a combination of tools, including robotic process automation (RPA), intelligent business management software (iBPMS) and AI. Ultimately, the end goal of hyperautomation is to increase AI-driven decisions. (Chopra, Imaging Technology News)

Many people look forward to the benefits of an AI-assisted workflow, such as, automatic workload assignment, but these people don’t realize that other tools like rules-based programming can already provide them with the majority of that benefit.

This leaves some of us asking in some respects, “Why wait for AI to reinvent the wheel, if we humans already have the answer?”

Don’t get us wrong. AI is very powerful, and its potential to help revolutionize the industry is amazing. Let’s just say that it’s been a team effort to get us this far, and further hyperautomation will require even more collaboration between AI and traditional programming.

Let’s also remember that the point is not just to automate as many processes as possible but to automate the RIGHT processes.    Automation, for automation’s sake will not help your practice.  To be truly beneficial, automation efforts need to be partnered with intelligent business decisions and a patient-centric focus. 

If you would like more information on which processes to automate, and how,  speak to a medQ workflow analyst today.

Read Chopra’s original article at Imaging Technology News…