The 20-year journey to create the ideal enterprise imaging reporting environment finally comes to fruition with medQ’s most recent update to the Q/ris Reporting PLUS+.
“All along we’ve had this vision of what would make the perfect set of tools and features that would help radiologist perform at their peak. With this latest release, we’ve finally arrived.”
John Norman, CEO, medQ
Where many other Radiology Workflows would simply have a dictation module, medQ’s Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ provides a fully-equipped, feature rich reporting environment that focuses over 20 years-worth of innovation and optimizations into achieving 3 key results:
- Enhancing Radiologist Effectiveness
- Supercharging Radiologist Productivity
- Providing a “perfect fit” solution for every radiologist
Enhancing Radiologist Effectiveness
Integrated Peer Learning Program
If you are like us, then you like honing your craft and you feel good when you learn something new. Unfortunately, finding the time for professional development for a group of Productivity-minded Radiologists can be a real challenge.
That’s where the integrated peer learning program of the Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ comes in. This is a true quality improvement program. It takes Peer Review to a whole new level. After some initial setup, Reporting PLUS+ can collect studies and build Learning Databases automatically. Users can also take advantage of the RadPeer integration for automatic peer review submissions if needed.
Other Enhancements
Close the information gap with fuller access to Patient Priors and Patient Health History thanks to the Master Patient Index and the unmatched interconnectivity of Q/ris Reporting PLUS+.
Communicate and track critical findings with the integrated and automated Critical Test Reporting module. Notify physicians in real time, while tracking CTR alerts and turnaround times.
Foster bi-directional feedback by allowing radiologists to request clarification and updates on exams with just a click using the “Return to Tech” feature.
Supercharge Productivity
Workload Assignment Engine
Instead of having to manually assign studies to your radiologists, have Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ do it for you. Intelligent and AI-fueled, the Assignment Engine will factor in credentials, availability, current workload, subspecialty and other factors to maintain a workload balance among all of your radiologists.
Other Supercharges
Make less clicks, but more reads with a voice recognition driven workflow. Put the mouse down and intuitively navigate through the reporting workflow using the Dictaphone and your voice.
Experience true automation with the powerfully intelligent set of medQ’s voice-navigated and nested reporting macros.
Eliminate the small stuff with auto-signing reports, auto-next reading mode, and one-click addendum creation.
Start halfway done by having Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ prepopulate the report using the DICOM structured report data sent from the technologist. No retyping here, its 2019.
Every Radiologist’s “Perfect Fit”
Many PACS, Many Workflows, One Universal Worklist
To achieve system-wide automation, there must be universal communication. No matter how many facilities your radiologists read for, Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ can open multiple PACS viewers from a single universal worklist.
Whether it’s a resident, attending, normal staff radiologist, or a wet read Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ supports multiple workflows simultaneously.
Other elements of the “Perfect Fit”
Its easy on the eyes – no, we’re not talking about aesthetic, we’re talking about “light” and “dark” reading modes. No wants to be blinded by a bright white screen while they are reading. Choose what’s best based on where you are.
Anytime/Anywhere access – At home or on the road, day or night, radiologists can still access they system to create or sign reports.
All that’s left is to see for yourself…
medQ will be premiering their latest release of the Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ at RSNA 2019, so make sure you schedule a time to stop by booth 3941. If you can’t wait to see the Q/ris in action for yourself, you can always schedule an online demo with one of our workflow and automation consultants