This is workflow at its pinnacle. The Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ module is full of timesaving,
error-reducing features that increase the Radiologist’s productivity.
Reporting PLUS+™ is a comprehensive reporting environment that provides radiologists with all the tools they need to provide high-quality care, including an AI-powered Assignment Engine and AI Findings Navigator. Reporting PLUS+™ can help radiologists create radiology reports 4-6x faster by automating the distribution of exam workload and providing AI-powered tools for finding and reporting findings. Manage and configure multiple workflows (such as a resident workflow) that roam with the radiologists no matter which workstation they decide to use. The Q/ris Reporting PLUS+ module launches the next image from the appropriate PACS viewer automatically with 100% patient accuracy.
Serves as complete Radiology Reporting Environment including a Universal Worklist customizable by Radiologist, able to read from Multiple PACS and sites, radiologist-specific automation tools, and highly advanced Voice Recognition engine.
With pre-filled structured report templates, radiologists can start dictating immediately. The technologist has already recorded all the relevant information, so the radiologist can focus on providing a clear and concise report. The dictation window is always active, so the radiologist can dictate without interruption. This is great for radiologists who like to dictate while they are reviewing images.
Hone expertise in a constructive and positive way without interrupting the Reporting Workflow with our seamlessly integrated Peer Learning Program. The automation of the peer learning front end allows the automatic selection of reviewer and reviewee workload requirements. Radiologists can also easily identify relevant priors and select exams to review on the fly.
The Al-powered Assignment Engine automatically distributes exam workload to radiologists based on their availability, expertise, and other factors.
Thas means radiologists can drop PACS-based AI findings directly onto the report.
Reporting PLUS+™ is a powerful tool that can help radiologists improve their efficiency and accuracy, and ultimately provide better care for their patients.
Better data leads to better reads and better reports. Radiologists receive structured DICOM reports in the image series, as well as the technologist's e-worksheets, procedural notes, and dosage information. This gives radiologists all the relevant information they need to complete their reports. If radiologists need more information, they can simply send the study back to the technologist using the "Return to Tech" button on their dashboard.
Efficient and consistent with JAHCO requirements, the Q/ris Critical Test Result Management Solution is engineered to be seamless and effective in real time.Radiologists have a heads up display to quickly process critical test results Delivering positive, closed-loop communications by automatically generating follow-up worklists and filing CTRs in the patient's history and radiology report. Referring physicians are also immediately notified, speeding the initiation of treatment protocols.