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Most common Topics/FAQ Section

Do you need to report via MIPS?

The first step is to determine if your radiologists need to report, per MIPS. You can check if you are exempt from MIPS participation by going to this web site and entering your NPI. https://qpp.cms.gov/participation-lookup. If a physician bills Medicare $30,000 in Part B billing and/or sees at least 100 Medicare patients, you must enroll and report through MIPS. Radiologists are also exempt if they are enrolled in the Advance Payment Model (APPM).

MIPS is a phased in roll out and could result in up to +9% additional Medicare payments. Here is the payment schedule over time. You can also earn an additional 4% bonus payments for your 2019 payment adjustment if you report in 2017.

Quality Performance Measures

For an overview of Quality Performance measures see https://qpp.cms.gov/mips/quality-measures. For 2017 quality measures reporting both MIPS and non-MIPS measures are allowed. There are 52 2017 MIPS and Non-MIPS measures to choose from and the ACR has provided a list here https://www.acr.org/Quality-Safety/Resources/MACRA-Resources. Here are the ones we recommend:

What is medQ doing for this?

medQ, Inc. has created a special MIPS reporting module to produce certain data to submit to these registries. The Omnicare program can also produce the data that can be reported thru these registries, for breast and lung categories. More info about the ACR registry can be found at

What is medQ doing for this?

Improvement Activities” for the most part are reported thru the same QCDR used for reporting “Quality Performance measures” however the submission process is like attestation. It can also be reported thru the CMS website much like those of you who did Meaningful Use attestation. You say yes or no to the measures you report however in case of an audit there must backup the attestation. For an overview of “Improvement Activities” see https://qpp.cms.gov/mips/improvement-activities. The full list of ACR suggested Improvement activities can be found in the link in the Tools section at https://www.acr.org/Quality-Safety/Resources/MACRA-Resources. We can work with each site to help pick and choose the appropriate “Improvement activities” which are right for the site.

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